What is the use of this repository?
The Trust recognises that information is a crucial part of the patient journey and a key element in the overall quality of patient experience. Therefore we feel that patient information should be readily accessible meaning all our patient information leaflets are designed specifically for you and others involved in your care. All the information stored in this repository is up to date and checked regularly by our patient information coordinators. All the information in these leaflets have been designed to be easy to understand and clearly present information to non-medical people.
The NHS Constitution (2021) states, ‘The NHS is committed to offering you easily accessible, reliable and relevant information in a form you can understand, and support to use it. This will enable you to participate fully in your own healthcare decisions and to support you in making choices. ' the regulations state the organisation ‘provides information to help people who use services, or others acting on their behalf, to understand their care, treatment and support, including the risks and benefits, and their rights to make decisions’ (Regulation 17 of the Health & Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010) and compliance is measure by the Care Quality Commission (outcome 1).
Please note the central Patient Information Leaflet Repository has been created with all new leaflets from January 2016 and newly reviewed leaflets thereafter. For all other leaflets please contact patientinfo.coordinator@cht.nhs.uk.