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Pain Service Leaflets

On this page you will find all leaflets which are categorised under Pain Service.

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Leaflet Name Department Review Date Action
Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox) Injection Pain Service 01/02/2024 save Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox) Injection icon
Capsaicin patch Qutenza A4 Pain Clinic 01/02/2024 save Capsaicin patch Qutenza A4 icon
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Pain clinic 01/11/2024 save Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) icon
External Neuromodulation (ENM) A4 Pain clinic 01/11/2024 save External Neuromodulation (ENM) A4 icon
Lidocaine Infusion A4 Pain Service 01/03/2024 save Lidocaine Infusion A4 icon
Nerve blocks for surgery on the shoulder, arm or hand A4 Anaesthetics 01/09/2024 save Nerve blocks for surgery on the shoulder, arm or hand A4 icon
Opioids information for patients on discharge following surgery A4 Pharmacy 01/11/2025 save Opioids information for patients on discharge following surgery A4 icon
Patient Controlled Analgesia A4 Pain Service 01/07/2026 save Patient Controlled Analgesia A4 icon
Suprascapular Nerve Block Injection Surgery and Anaesthetics 01/09/2023 save Suprascapular Nerve Block Injection icon
TENS information A4 Pain Services 01/11/2024 save TENS information A4 icon